Balemesa, Richard2018-11-232018-11-232012Balemesa, R. (2012). Framework for Effective Utilisation of Information Communication Technology in Enhancing Disaster Risk Management: A Case Study of Uganda Disasters whether natural or man-made, cause havoc to the lives of millions of people every year around the globe. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University. RICHARD (2012-M142-20006) Framework for Effective Utilisation of Information Communication Technology in Enhancing Disaster Risk Management: A Case Study of Uganda Disasters whether natural or man-made, cause havoc to the lives of millions of people every year around the globe. Their aftermath is nothing but an uninviting picture of death, destruction, and sufferings. It is not always possible to avoid disaster but the suffering can be minimised by proper disaster management through appropriate disaster management tools. One of the disaster management tools is Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The advancement in ICT in the form of internet, GIS, remote sensing, and space technology can help a great deal in planning and implementation of disaster reduction measures. This research highlights how Information and Communication Technology can be applied effectively in different stages of disaster risk management processes to reduce or avoid the human, physical and economic losses suffered by individual/country and to reduce personal suffering to speed up recovery with a few case studies. The study proposes a framework that focuses on building disaster resilience in society through creation of a state-of-the art knowledge-based National Disaster Management centre that will provide value added information in various formats of audio, video, and data to stake holders for proactive and holistic management of disasters with a particular emphasis on the last-mile connectivity to the vulnerable community during all phases of Disaster Risk Management cycle which when implemented will reduce the impact of disasters globally. Key Words: Framework, Effective Utilisation, Information Communication Technology, Disaster Risk Management.enEffective UtilisationInformation Communication TechnologyDisaster Risk ManagementFramework for Effective Utilisation of Information Communication Technology in Enhancing Disaster Risk Management: A Case Study of Uganda Disasters whether natural or man-made, cause havoc to the lives of millions of people every year around the globe.Thesis