Nanfuka, Lydia2018-11-012018-11-012011Nanfuka, L. (2011). Assessment of the Performance of the National Environment Management Authority-World Bank Clean Development Mechanism Project in Solid Waste Management: A Case of Mukono Katikolo Compositing Site. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University. LYDIA (2011-M092-20039) Assessment of the Performance of the National Environment Management Authority-World Bank Clean Development Mechanism Project in Solid Waste Management: A Case of Mukono Katikolo Compositing Site. This study was premised on the major objective of assessing the performance of the National Environment Management Authority-World Bank (NEMA/WB) Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in the management of solid waste in Mukono. To attain this, the researcher used the following specific objectives: to find out the methods used in solid waste management and 65 compositing at Katikolo CDM site; to establish the effectiveness of the methods used in solid waste compositing at Katikolo CDM site; to find out the problems and challenges involved in carrying out the exercise and how they can be addressed, and; to establish the perceptions of the people about the CDM project in Katikolo. The study geographically covered Katikolo CDM site in Mukono Municipality. Locally, there were very few domestic studies on CDMs in particular and these were shallow. This gave the justification for this study to document by way of assessment of the performance of the CDMs, taking the Mukono Katikolo CDM project funded by the World Bank and managed by NEMA-Uganda as a case study. To carry out the study, the researcher adopted the case study design since the study was qualitative in nature. A total of 50 respondents participated in the study. All these were selected purposively. Both primary and secondary data were drawn and primary data collection methods included the interview method, questionnaire administration, the observation method, and picture voice method. The documentary review method was used for secondary data collection. The study established that the solid waste management and decomposition at the site takes a process of five (5) stages. Though some of the stages are co-joined, for instance stage 3 and 4. It was also established that the effectiveness of the CDM project depends on the accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness of all the employees throughout the process of collecting, sorting, decomposition-windrowing, and sieving and separation. However, this study found the Katikolo CDM project highly effective as they take into regard all the precautions required of the process. On the challenges facing the project, the financial and funding issue was found to be the most impacting with funds from the World Bank often delayed and yet the project itself makes little sales since the market is small. The small sales were also attached to the fact that very few people know about this particular project and its products. Other challenges and problems were found to include; administrative challenges, the issue of non-biodegradable wastes, the national policy issue were it was found that it does not comprehensively provide for the CDMs because they came into existence recently, among others. To find solutions to these problems and challenges, the research considered issue by issue but most significantly, the project needs to do a lot of publicity campaigns especially in marketing its products. This will most certainly help it to overcome all the other challenges and be able to sustain itself. Indeed even the perceptions of the people were found to be a challenge as most people were found not to be aware of the CDM project in their area. Others are negligent on waste management since they consider it to be the work of the Local Government. The study has hence recommended intensive publicity campaigns for the project and extensive marketing to increase the sales so as to attain sustainability and overcome the threatening financial issues. For further research, this study found the issue of plastic wastes being very contentious and left out. It, therefore, recommends that a research be carried out to ascertain on how best these can be dealt with. Key Words: National Environment Management Authority, World Bank, Clean Development Mechanism Project, Solid Waste Management, Compositing Site, Mukono District.enNational Environment Management AuthorityWorld Bank, Clean Development Mechanism ProjectSolid Waste ManagementCompositing SiteMukono DistrictAssessment of the Performance of the National Environment Management Authority-World Bank Clean Development Mechanism Project in Solid Waste Management: A Case of Mukono Katikolo Compositing Site.Thesis