Baine, Patrick2018-11-052018-11-052014Baine, P. (2014). Tactical Procurement and Service Delivery in Local Government: A Case Study of Masaka District Local Government. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University. FRANK (2014-M102-30016) Tactical Procurement and Service Delivery in Local Government: A Case Study of Masaka District Local Government. Public procurement in Uganda and the rest of the world is increasingly coming under pressure to go beyond the implementation of policies and procedures and to produce results in service delivery. However, in Uganda despite the availability of an institutional frame work and policies, there have been some challenges in the management of public procurement to yield the expected results. The study aimed at establishing the effect of tactical procurement on service delivery in local governments of Uganda, a case study of Masaka district local government (MDLG). The specific objectives of the study were to establish the effect of specification, selection and contract award on service delivery in local governments. Hypotheses were; there is a significant and positive relationship between specification, selection, contract awarding and service delivery in local governments. Cross-sectional and case study designs were adopted which involved use of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Out of the targeted population of 123 respondents, a sample size of 92 was obtained basing on the Krejcie and Morgan table (1970). Using questionnaires, the response rate was 90% from the 80 questionnaires distributed where as other respondents were interviewed. The study findings revealed that specifications had a significant effect on service delivery in MDLG. Results indicated that there was a positive linear correlation relationship between specification and service delivery r=0.488 (48.8%), p=0.000; where the correlation was significant at the 0.01 level. There is a high positive correlation co-efficient (r) of (r = 0.604) 60.4 %; p=0.000. Since correlation is significant at the 0.01 level, a change in selection affects service delivery. Contract award was also found to be an important element in determination of service delivery within the local government. The correlation being significant at 0.001 level; the findings indicate that r=0.540 and p=0.000 implying that there is a significant relationship between contracting (contract award) and service delivery. Conclusively, local governments need to put a lot of emphasis in tactical procurement (specification, selection and contracting) since as per the findings have a great effect and significant relationship with service delivery. From the findings, therefore, it is recommended that strict measures should be put in place to cub unethical tendencies in tactical procurement that affect service delivery. Additionally, local government procurement rules and regulations have to be adhered to in order to improve service delivery. Local governments should also ensure that contractual obligations are clear to the parties involved so that contractual deliverables are completed within the agreed time schedules. Key Words: Tactical Procurement, Service Delivery, Local Government, Masaka District.enTactical ProcurementService DeliveryMasaka DistrictTactical Procurement and Service Delivery in Local Government: A Case Study of Masaka District Local Government.Thesis