Ndibwami, AlexDrazu, Herbert2018-02-202018-02-202017http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12280/461These will be guides for municipalities to spearhead energy transitions. They are comprised of a series of briefs, six in total, that are also aligned to specific SDGs. In providing some pointers for energy transitions at municipalities, the briefs build upon the social-environmental and economic dimensions of sustainability recognising the gaps and opportunities that exist between and within the urban and local (community) scale; the various sectors; the infrastructure and building scale and; institutional and policy scale. Ultimately, each brief is geared toward providing a platform for enabling an action-oriented process and catalysing development through promoting resource efficiency, encouraging participation, informing policy frameworks and building resilience in communities. The briefs cover the following key areas: Water and Waste Management; Generation and Access to Cleaner Energy; Lessons With(in) Community; Taping into Ecology for its Diversity; Value Addition in Measure, and; People at the Centre of BuildingsenEnergy transitionsInfrastructureBuildingPolicy briefs: A guide for municipalities to spearhead energy transitionsTechnical Report