Baryakabonaa, SilverMwine, Julius2018-07-262018-07-262017Baryakabona, S. and Mwine, J., 2017. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Crude Extracts of Tick Berry Lantana camara and Mexican Marigold Tagetes manuta Against Cabbage Aphids Brevicoryne brassicae. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), 33(1), pp.169-181. efficacy of two plant extracts; Lantana camara, Tagetes manuta and a combination of Lanatana camara and Tagetes manuta applied to the cabbage plants at differeent concentrations against cabbage aphids were tested at St. Mary’s College Rushoroza Demonstration farm, Kabale district in 2015. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of selected botanical plants’ crude extracts against the cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae L. The specific objectives of the study were to compare the aphid populations on cabbage plants sprayed with Lantana camara, Tagetes manuta extracts and their combination, to determine the effective concentration of Lantana camara, Tagetes manuta and their combination that could protect the crop against cabbage aphids and to determine the yield of cabbage under different treatments of Lantana camara, Tagetes manuta and their combination on aphids. A field experiment was laid in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four blocks, three treatments replicated four times and a control experiment. Each experimental plot was 3 M by 2.5 M (7.5 M2 area) per plot and separated by 0.9 m between plots to avoid interplot and interblock interference. Data collected were aphid infestations (adults and nymphs) per three leaves, reduction in aphid populations after application of sprays, and percentage marketable yield. Data were subjected to one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in Genstat software (eleventh edition) programme to compare the aphid population means in treated groups and untreated groups of cabbage. The plant extracts treatments of Lantana camara, Tagetes manuta and their combination on cabbage plants significantly reduced the number of aphids than on the untreated plants during the trial seasons.enEvaluation of the EfficacyCrude Extracts of Tick BerryLantana camara and Mexican MarigoldEvaluation of the Efficacy of Crude Extracts of Tick Berry Lantana camara and Mexican Marigold Tagetes manuta Against Cabbage Aphids Brevicoryne brassicaeArticle