Eyal, NirCancedda, CorradoHurst, Samia A.Kyamanywa, Patrick2022-04-252022-04-252017Eyal, N., Cancedda, C., Hurst, S.A. and Kyamanywa, P., 2017. Coordinating between medical professions’ tasks to optimize sub-Saharan health systems: a response to recent commentaries. International journal of health policy and management, 6(2), p.123.2322-5939http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12280/2960We are grateful that our perspective received commentary from leading experts on African human resources for health. All endorse and several quote our central suggestion that the “development in [non-physician clinician] deployment should unfold in parallel with strategic rethinking of the role of physicians and with critical innovations in physicians’ education and inservice training.enMedical ProfessionSub-SaharaHealth SystemsCoordinating Between Medical Professions’ Tasks to Optimize Sub-Saharan Health Systems: A Response to Recent CommentariesArticle