Murwanashyaka, EmmanuelSsebuufu, RobinsonKyamanywa, Patrick2022-04-272022-04-272021Murwanashyaka, E., Ssebuufu, R. and Kyamanywa, P. (2021). Enterocutaneous fistula due to a strangulated Ritcher’s femoral hernia: a case report. Authorea Preprints.’s hernia has a misleading presentation with absence of typical intestinal obstructive symptoms leading to delay in making a diagnosis, tendency to strangulation and eventual spontaneous fistula formation. This article explores a case of enterocutaneous fistula that was managed non-operatively until spontaneous closure.enEnterocutaneousFistulaRitcher’s femoral herniaEnterocutaneous fistula due to a strangulated Ritcher’s femoral hernia: a case reportPreprint