Olweny, Mark R. O.2021-04-262021-04-262021-01-28Olweny, M. R. O., 2021. Leadership is Critical in Mainstreaming Sustainability in Professional Education. Building and Cities2632-6655https://www.buildingsandcities.org/insights/commentaries/leadership-education-sustainability.htmlhttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12280/2748Mark Olweny (University of Lincoln) comments on the B&C special issue EDUCATION & TRAINING: MAINSTREAMING ZERO CARBON. Leadership in Global South demonstrates the positive transformation of architectural education. The Uganda Martyrs University implemented a new curriculum to integrate sustainability into the architectural curricula. Change occurred due to staff dedication, commitment and stamina - although overcoming resistance at several levels was not easy.enLeadershipArchitectural EducationZero-carbonSustainabilityUgandaLeadershipLeadership is critical in mainstreaming sustainability in professional educationArticle