Ssentongo, Jimmy Spire2018-09-032018-09-032012-01978-9970-09-006-8 is currently faced with several environmental problems. From North Pole to South Pole it is vividly clear that there is much still wanting in environmental conservation on this volatile planet, our only home. It is therefore a daunting task to scholars and all other stakeholders to think out possible strategies and mechanisms of conserving our environment. But before we stretch too far for viable answers, it would be very important to critically search out into our traditional knowledge which has been relied on for generations to pick out knowledge and practices that could still be relevant. Unfortunately, most of this 'wealth' of knowledge is disappearing so fast due to the homogenising effects of globalisation! The aim of the research whose findings are reported in this book was to specifically explore and analyse Baganda (a Ugandan ethnic group) traditional approaches in light of their relevance to sustainable environmental conservation in the current era. An attempt is accordingly made not to nostalgically romanticise the heritage but to look out for what can still be useful.Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States ConservationBugandaHeritageInquiry into a Withering Heritage: The Relevance of Traditional Baganda Approaches to Sustainable Environmental Conservation Today