Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Biotechnology in Organic Agriculture in Africa: Myth or Oversight? 

      Ssekyewa, Charles; Muwanga M. Kiggundu (African Journals Online, 2009)
      Biotechnology refers to scienti fi c methods and practi ces that are based on biological systems or components. Its applicati ons vary from simple system to amino acids (i.e. DNA and RNA) based applicati ons and are ...
    • Ethnobotanical survey of pesticidal plants used in South Uganda: Case study of Masaka district 

      Mwine, J; Damme, Van P.; Kamoga, G.; Kudamba; Nasuuna, M.; Jumba, F. (Academic Journals, 2010)
      Use of synthetic pesticides in developing countries is not only limited by their being expensive but also the small (uneconomic) fields whose limited production costs cannot offset costs of agricultural implements like ...
    • Pesticidal Plants Used in Masaka District of Uganda 

      Mwine, Julius (African Journals Online, 2009)
      The use of syntheti c pesti cides in developing countries is limited by both the high cost of procuring them and predominance of subsistence holdings. Resultantly, many farmers have to rely on traditi onal methods of ...