The African Centre of Agro-Ecology and Livelihood Systems (ACALISE):

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Mwine, Julius

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The World Bank


Africa in general and East Africa in particular is faced with problems of low production and productivity, little or no value addition to the few products but also lack of ethical values in management of business. These overarching problems have of late been compounded by effects of climate change, all of which have made peoples’ livelihoods a dilemma. It is no doubt therefore that Agricultural research and technology development, which is a component of the agricultural production and productivity enhancement intervention, is fundamental for enhanced agricultural sector growth and performance. To generate high returns of investment, each link in the production and value chains of agricultural enterprises needs to be accompanied by effective agricultural research and technology generation programs. Well-designed innovation systems with a component of climate smart initiative like Agro-ecology and endowed with ethical values will help to generate the desired shift from the present poverty cycle to better livelihoods. This will eventually bring in the aspect of sustainability that has been glaringly lacking in African/small scale enterprises.



Agricultural production and productivity, Climate change, Agro-ecology
