Maternal monitoring: lowering child mortality by use of ICTs.

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Ssemaluulu, Paul Mukasa
Muma, Wycliff
Katongole, Paul
Mwase, Maria

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Fountain Publishers


In this paper, we describe the creation and development of an Electronic Health Records System that automates record keeping procedures for both patients and medical practitioners in a health facility. We also demonstrate how maternal monitoring by use of ICTs can lower child mortality in developing countries. It should be realized that lowering child mortality is one of the 8 Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by less developed countries by 2015. The Infant and Maternal Monitoring System (IMM System) seeks to lower infant mortality rates by encouraging pregnant women, as well as mothers to take their new born babies and infants to visit the nearest health centers for required healthcare checkups, vaccinations, or immunizations. This can be achieved through the creation and use of SMS functionality on the created system. This system improves communication and collaboration between medical practitioners through discussion forums, thus increasing the rapidity and quality of patient care Keywords: ICTs, Maternal, Mortality



ICTs, Maternal, Mortality


Ssemaluulu P.M., Muma, W., Katongole, P. and Mwase, M., 2010. Maternal monitoring: lowering child mortality by use of ICTs. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.