Relationship between land acquisition processes and structures on livelihood outcomes of smallholder farmers in the Bawku District of Northern Ghana

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Scientific Research Publishing


This research paper is a result of a study that analysed the relationship between land acquisition processes and structures on livelihood outcomes of smallholder farmers in Bawku East District of Northern Ghana. The descriptive research design was chosen to permit obtaining and describing of information concerning the land acquisition structures/processes; the available livelihood assets, how these could be transformed through innovative livelihood coping strategies towards achieving sustainable livelihood outcomes for the rural dwellers who lost land in the Bawku East District of northern Ghana. The correlational design was utilised to permit investigation of the relationship between land acquisition and livelihood outcomes among smallholder farmers in Bawku East District of northern Ghana. 400 individuals participated in the study in four villages in Bawku District. The villages were selected because they had been affected by large scale land acquisitions for community development projects. The study concludes that, the introduction of land title registration to replace the Deed registration in Ghana was not effective as was envisaged; because to date after its introduction, the weaknesses identified under the Deed’s registration remained unresolved due to poor implementation of the law and other institutional related factors. The indigenous land tenure and management system continues to operate and provide land for many people and purposes. It has wider coverage than the state system and dominates particularly in rural areas and for agricultural purposes. The Land Act, 2020 (Act 1036) was passed by Parliament and assented to by the President on 23rd December 2020 to revise, harmonise and consolidate the laws on land to ensure sustainable land administration and management, effective and efficient land tenure and to provide for related matters. With the Chiefs as the pivot for land related disputes and/or conflict resolutions; the Chieftaincy Act, 2008 (Act 759) was enacted by the Parliament and assented by the President on 16th June 2008. The land acquisition process in Bawku East District has a negative impact on the livelihood of indigenous farmers. This is attributed to the fact that land acquisition leads to the loss of land, loss of means of livelihood, disruption of economic activities, persistent land-related conflicts, and relocations to poorly developed areas, inadequate and late compensation, and environmental degradation.



Land acquisition processes and structures, Livelihood outcomes, Smallholder farmers, Bawku East District, Ghana
