Centrality of the family in the pursuit of sustainable development

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Luswata, Albert

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Uganda Martyrs University


The complex nature of the concept of sustainable development requires an integration of knowledge, other than basing on a particular science or model. This article widens the horizon by bringing onboard an approach based on the family. Contrary to the adversely and reductionist tendency that relegates it to a marginal role, this article argues that the family, understood in the normative sense and as the mediating institution between the individual and society, has a central role to play in the pursuit of sustainable development. It is the guarantee of the harmonious realization of the three interdependent pillars of sustainable development namely, the economic development, the social development and the environmental protection. Given the dialectical relationship between the family and society, the article not only implores society to put the family at the heart of public policy but also to follow the principle of subsidiarity while dealing with the family.



Social subjectivity, Primary social capital, Holistic development, Family
