Capacity-building for Equitable Global Health Research From Africa: The Power of Two


The editorial ‘‘Productive global health research from Africa: it takes more’’ (Waiswa 2015) is an important awakening for global health professionals to the challenges for carrying out effective research in Africa. Our experience is from a twinning partnership for capacity-building for global health research through a Ph.D. at the University of Rwanda and Aarhus University in Denmark (Schriver et al. 2015). We adopted a twinning model based in Rwanda linking a Ph.D. student from each country.



Research Capacity, Funding Model, Twinning Model, Global Health Research, Collaboration Model


Cubaka, V.K., Schriver, M., Kyamanywa, P., Cotton, P. and Kallestrup, P. (2016). Capacity-building for equitable global health research from Africa: the power of two. International journal of public health, 61(3), pp.389-390.
