The Next Generation of Rwandan Physicians With a Primary Health Care Mindset

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AOSIS , Postnet Suite 110, Private Bag x 19, Durbanville, South Africa, 7550


Globally there is a need for well-trained primary health care physicians at the district level. Physicians who focus on ambulatory care will be in greater demand in addressing the global burden of chronic disease and multi-morbidity, which are on the increase in Africa. Not surprisingly, family medicine has grown stronger on the African continent in the past decades. In Rwanda, education of health professionals has recently undergone several changes. Postgraduate training in medical and surgical specialties has been further developed in a constructive and inclusive way with support of American universities. Although postgraduate training in family and community medicine has been temporarily halted, the need to develop and enhance undergraduate training in social and community medicine was identified and efforts have since commenced. This raises the question whether postgraduate training was developed too early, at a time when undergraduate training did not yet embrace the concept of primary health care.



Primary health care, Physicians, Next generation


Flinkenflögel, M., Kyamanywa, P., Cubaka, V.K. and Cotton, P., 2015. The next generation of Rwandan physicians with a primary health care mindset. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 7(1), pp.1-2.
