Rethinking Anti-Corruption Strategies in Uganda: An Ethical Reflection

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University of KwaZulu-Natal


Corruption continues to be one of the key challenges to the governance and development of many African countries. In Uganda, despite the existence of various anti-corruption strategies, several scandals can be cited in recent times involving the loss of colossal sums of money in embezzlement, bribery, influence peddling and other underhand manoeuvres. Several explanations for its persistence have been propounded in existing literature, helping us to understand the multifaceted phenomenon at various levels. However, many still fail to get to the core – especially due to largely focusing on secondary factors without delving into analysis of the dynamics of moral development that inform the shaping of human character and that, therefore, should be the focus of anti-corruption strategies. The above observations raise questions such as: What do the rampant corruption scandals reflect about the wider value systems and moral set-up in Ugandan society? Are State institutions mandated to fight corruption founded on appropriate theoretical perspectives and principles to guide their operations? In answering these questions, the main purpose of this paper is to present an ethical critique of the anti-corruption strategies used in Uganda and to suggest an alternative approach mainly grounded on a virtue-ethics-theoretical stance.



Corruption, Public service ethics, Integrity system, Virtue ethics, Moral development


Okok, S. and Ssentongo, J.S., 2020. Rethinking anti-corruption strategies in Uganda: an ethical reflection. African Journal of Governance and Development, 9(1), pp.66-88.