Vital Statistics: Estimating Injury Mortality in Kigali, Rwanda


Background Globally, injury deaths largely occur in low- and middle-income countries. No estimates of injuryassociated mortality exist in Rwanda. This study aimed to describe the patterns of injury-related deaths in Kigali, Rwanda using existing data sources. Methods We created a database of all deaths reported by the main institutions providing emergency care in Kigali—four major hospitals, two divisions of the Rwanda National Police, and the National Emergency Medical Service—during 12 months (Jan–Dec 2012) and analyzed it for demographics, diagnoses, mechanism and type of injury, causes of death, and all-cause and cause-specific mortality rates. Results There were 2682 deaths, 57 % in men, 67 % in adults[18 year, and 16 % in children\5 year. All-cause mortality rate was 236/100,000; 35 % (927) were due to probable surgical causes. Injury-related deaths occurred in 22 % (593/2682). The most common injury mechanism was road traffic crash (cause-specific mortality rate of 20/100,000). Nearly half of all injury deaths occurred in the prehospital setting (47 %, n = 276) and 49 % of injury deaths at the university hospital occurred within 24 h of arrival. Being injured increased the odds of dying in the prehospital setting by 2.7 times (p\0.0001). Conclusions Injuries account for 22 % of deaths in Kigali with road traffic crashes being the most common cause. Injury deaths occurred largely in the prehospital setting and within the first 24 h of hospital arrival suggesting the need for investment in emergency infrastructure. Accurate documentation of the cause of death would help policymakers make data-driven resource allocation decisions.



Road Traffic, Injury Surveillance, Prehospital Setting, Road Traffic Injury, Injury Death


Kim, W.C., Byiringiro, J.C., Ntakiyiruta, G., Kyamanywa, P., Irakiza, J.J., Mvukiyehe, J.P., Mutabazi, Z., Vizir, J.P., de la Croix Allen Ingabire, J., Nshuti, S. and Riviello, R. (2016). Vital statistics: estimating injury mortality in Kigali, Rwanda. World journal of surgery, 40(1), pp.6-13.
