Books (Development Studies)

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    Democratic consolidation and intelligence oversight in Uganda: implications for emerging democracies
    (LAMBERT Academic Publishing (LAP), 2017-04-04) Asiimwe, Solomon Muchwa
    The book is about intelligence oversight and the promotion of democracy. It explains intelligence management, primarily focusing on intelligence oversight institutions and mechanisms. The book brings out an assessment on the role of intelligence oversight institutions and mechanisms in the promotion of democracy. The book reveals that intelligence oversight in Uganda is not explicit because the intelligence legislation is also not clear about it. The only meaningful intelligence oversight is assumed to be done by the agency internal administration under the auspice of the President. The other existing institutions like Parliament, the Inspectorate of Government, the Judiciary, are not equal to the task of overseeing the intelligence services effectively. This is due to the uniqueness of the intelligence sector; in its nature and operations of working under total secrecy compared to other sectors of government. The book therefore, recommends for an intelligence review which should end up with recommendations for amending the intelligence law to harmonise it with other recently enacted laws aimed at consolidating democratic governance.
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    Creaducation: a Focus on Dynamic Education for Development in Uganda.
    (Uganda Martyrs Univrsity: Mtafiti Mwafrika Monograph Series., 2017) Najjuka, Salome
    In discussing creaducation as a new focus forming a critical part of dynamic education for development in Uganda, this discourse builds on the work of five key theorists namely: Csikszentmihalyi (1996); McClelland (2015); Sternberg and Lubart (1995); and Levinger (1996); to propose an education pathway that will propel us to development on our African continent and specifically in Uganda. Creaducation is prescribed as a new type of education that focuses on, and awakens the creativity of a learning individual to metamorphose into “a development individual”. This education aims to hone within an individual, the tools that will be fundamentally contributory to the development endeavours in our country and elsewhere. Creaducation arouses, creates, and invigorates the latent elements within an individual to begin a fathomable process of creative thinking, problem solving, process improvement, and to actions leading to self-betterment and community development. This form of education calls forth the latent genie that lies within us, to a perpetual unleashing of creative works of profundity and brilliance.
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    Rememberance, Reconcilliation, and reintegration: Living the healing of war memories in Northern Uganda
    (Uganda Martyrs Univrsity Book Serries (UMU BS), 2017) Kabiito, Bendicto; Angucia, Margaret
    This book is a convergence of our two ‘projects’ that initially appeared unrelated: Ben’s masters research which was carried out under the research of the Department of Governance and Peace Studies on the theme “Whose Community: Memory, Conflict and Tradition” and picking on follow-up themes of Margaret’s PhD work on social reintegration of formerly abducted children in northern Uganda. Eventually finding common ground on memory, reconciliation/forgiveness and peacebuilding, we are glad to place this book in your hands. The book can be used not only to understand some of the sticking issues around memory, reconciliation and peacebuilding in the specific aftermath of the two-decade conflict in northern Uganda but also to conceptually understand memory and reconciliation as can be applied or used elsewhere.