Journal Articles (International Studies)

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    Towards a Five-Step Institutional Income Diversification Strategy for Institutions of Higher Education
    (African Journals Online, 2010) Baligidde, Samuel H.
    This paper discusses the strategic perspectives of financial management which are highlighted in a five-step Institutional Income Diversification Model for Institutions of Higher Education. It focuses on the need for adopting or strengthening corporate principles of financial management, corporate methods of raising capital, establishment of income generating activities, strategic acquisitions, institutional mergers, establishment of commercial projects, treating higher education as an export and involving students and other stakeholders in the financial resource mobilization drive. It argues that, in order to tackle the challenge of inadequate funding, Institutions of Higher Education should re-examine their priorities, re-organize their financial management structures, re-orient their administrative processes and diversify their income sources. This will necessitate a change from the highly bureaucratic organizational design of most of the institutions to a corporate model that pays attention to market forces and private sector principles of financial management.
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    University education for sustainable national development: Implications for University Leadership, Management and Society
    (2012) Baligide, Samuel
    This paper discusses the social and philosophical underpinnings of the role of education in economic development in Uganda. It is partly based on a study on bureaucracy and the management of the challenges facing Makerere University carried out by the writer in 2006 using a sample size of 381 respondents representing a population of 50,000. The results show that the issue of a university being used as an instrument for mobilizing support for government policies is contentious but that cooperation with Industry and the Private Sector to design academic programmes and curriculum for training a labour force which is employable and geared towards national development is favoured. The findings confirmed the divergence in perception about the role of higher education per se to National development. The capacity of universities to produce desired results with regard to the promotion of National Development is discussed. The paper concludes with the observation that in pursuing the objectives and goals of the Higher Education Institution, the university top leadership, as well as management have to play a decisive role in making higher education fulfill the expectations of society, but points out that not every thing society demands is in fact worthy. It is recommended that university education strives to inculcate a positive attitude towards the kind of change that society demands through curriculum innovativeness.
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    Diplomacy for development or doom? Epistemological reflections on Uganda's recentforeign policy achievements and blunders
    (Instituto de Estudios Internacionales Universidad de Chile, 2012-04) Baligidde, Samuel H.
    This article is guided by a triangulation of neo-realist and neo-liberalist post-modernist approaches to the analysis of foreign policy coupled with Rosenau's pre-theory and Allison's models of foreign policy decision- making using the decision units approach, among others. It seeks to stimulate reflection on the epistemological underpinnings of the new paradigm shifts in Uganda's foreign policy in recent times. Theories will assist in epistemologically conceptualizing issues and events, creating and setting standards and benchmarking conditions for meeting the new universalistic foreign policy paradigm or in answering academic and practical questions. It is contended that there has been a significant paradigm shift towards internationalism in the country's foreign policy to ward off increasing political dissent and emerging socio-economic challenges in the domestic arena.
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    Education for Sustainable Development: Implications for University Managers, Government and the Private Sector in Uganda
    (Uganda Martyrs University, 2009) Baligidde, H. Samuel; Ssempebwa, Jude
    Taking the case of Makerere University, this study delved into the rationale underlying university participation in development planning and steps that universities could take to enhance their partnership with government and the private sector. Data were collected from 381 respondents, who included academic staff, managers and student leaders at the University. The respondents suggested that the University should help the government in drawing and implementing development plans, adding that this could provide a means of overcoming its antagonistic relationship with the government. Regarding the steps the University could take to help government, they suggested that it could tailor its research and teaching programs to complement the latter's efforts; restrain from partisan politics; include more government representatives on its committees; and mobilize private sector support for its programmes. Regarding government's role in harnessing the University's contribution to national development, the respondents suggested that government should respect the University's autonomy as well as its members' academic and democratic freedom. Finally, the respondents argued for university-private-sector-alignment, urging that the University partners with relevant private sector actors to design curricula and research programmes that, respectively, produce graduates and information that are demanded in the contemporary market.