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    Replication data for determinants of caesarean section rates in private-not-for-profit healthcare facilities: St. Joseph’s Hospital_ Kitovu.
    (Harvard Dataverse, 2021-04-24) Omona, Kizito
    Data Sources: Both secondary and primary data were used. The secondary data from patient files (hospital record) for the past 6months from January, 2019 to July, 2019 was retrieved. These are the records of patients admitted to Maternity wards. On the other hand, primary data was collected from respondent pregnant mothers and key informant health managers. Data Collection Tools and Techniques: The following tools were used; Document Review Guide (Observation Checklist), Interview guides (for key informants & mothers) and Semi-structured questionnaires. Document Review Guide was used to guide and extract information, for the past six (6) months, on the numbers of Caesarean Sections conducted, total number of deliveries conducted and number of total in-patient admission made. Interview guide was used to extract information on health managers’ attitudes toward monitoring and evaluating Caesarean Section as well as mothers’ lived experiences. Lastly, semi-structured self-administered questionnaire was used by the researcher to record individual responses from the mothers.