An Assessment of Low Functionality of Protected Water Points and Attainment of Millennium Development Goal 7: A Case Study of Kapelebyiong Sub-County in Amuria District

dc.contributor.authorAlupo, Grace
dc.description.abstractALUPO GRACE (2006-03-MA-DL- 005) An Assessment of Low Functionality of Protected Water Points and Attainment of Millennium Development Goal 7: A Case Study of Kapelebyiong Sub-County in Amuria District The study highlights key findings of low functionality of protected water sources and analysed existing community mechanisms established to foster attainment of the Millennium Development Goal target on water in Kapelebyong sub-county in Amuria district. The study assesses the number of functional and non-functional protected water sources in the sub-county as well as the cause, and the different mechanisms put in place to try to respond to the problem of their continuous break down. The factors responsible for low functionality of protected water sources included: inadequate contribution of O&M fees, weak and non-functional Water User Committees (WUCs); accountability and transparency problems, inadequate number of trained Hand Pump Mechanics (HPMs). The methodology used to generate the data, utilised a research design frame of a case study. The population studied included; community members who were mainly household heads who were 16 in number and were randomly selected for a focus group discussion of 8 members, a questionnaire targeted a pump mechanic, purposively selected. There were in–depths interviews with 2 local council leaders purposively selected plus one non-governmental organisation and 1 district water officer selected purposively to provide information to the documentary guide. Key recommendations of the study included mobilisation of communities in the maintenance of water sources; continuous HPMs and WUCs training, government should review the existing policy guidelines to ensure their relevancy to various communities (a one-fit-all policy does not work in water stressed areas such as Kapelebyong sub-county), and enactment and enforcement of ordinances and bye-laws regarding the water source. Keywords: Law functionality, Water points, Millennium Development Goal, Amuria Districten_US
dc.identifier.citationAlupo, G. 2006. An Assessment of Low Functionality of Protected Water Points and Attainment of Millennium Development Goal 7: A Case Study of Kapelebyiong Sub-County in Amuria District. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi : Uganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectLaw functionalityen_US
dc.subjectWater pointsen_US
dc.subjectMillennium Development Goalen_US
dc.subjectAmuria districten_US
dc.titleAn Assessment of Low Functionality of Protected Water Points and Attainment of Millennium Development Goal 7: A Case Study of Kapelebyiong Sub-County in Amuria Districten_US


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