Factors Affecting the Development of Rural Agro-input Dealers in Delivering Services to Farmers in Eastern Uganda: A Case Study of Mbale Distric.

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Nangulu, Moses

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Uganda Martyrs University


NANGULU MOSES (2006-03-MA-PT-039) Factors Affecting the Development of Rural Agro-input Dealers in Delivering Services to Farmers in Eastern Uganda: A Case Study of Mbale Distric. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting the development of rural agro-input dealers in delivering services to farmers in Eastern Uganda and the case study district was Mbale. The study had four objectives: to establish how trends in general characteristics of rural agro-input dealers account in delivering services to farmers, to identify the relationship between suppliers and rural agro-input dealers and how this influences the delivery of services to farmers, to identify rural agro-input dealer market linkages and how these affect delivery of services to farmers, to identify the financial products accessibility and how it influences delivery of services to farmers. The literature provided discussed the independent variables of input dealers and dependent variables of suppliers. The sample population was purposively selected and a sample of 90 respondents was studied. Information was gathered, using a questionnaire, interview guide and observation methods. The data were statistically analysed to determine the correlation between the two variables. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used in analysing the problems in the agro-input sector. The SPSS analysis included defining the problem, identifying its causes, and specifying and identifying the input supply requirements that must be met by the agro input system solution then, a report was written. The key findings revealed that a statistically significant relationship existed between rural agro-input dealers and suppliers: affordability, incentives and accessibility of agricultural inputs. The findings also suggest programmes that should be initiated by Non-Governmental Organisations that offer financial credit to input dealers to minimise the high operation costs. Key Words: Rural Agro-input Dealers, Delivering Services, Farmers, Eastern Uganda, Mbale District.



Rural Agro-input Dealers, Delivering Services, Farmers, Eastern Uganda, Mbale District


Nangulu, M. (2006). Factors Affecting the Development of Rural Agro-input Dealers in Delivering Services to Farmers in Eastern Uganda: A Case Study of Mbale Distric. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University.