Molecular Characterization of Tomato Leaf Curl Disease-Causing Viruses in Uganda

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Ssekyewa, Charles
Van Damme P.
Steele K. A.

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African Journals Online


In this study, Tomato Leaf Curl Disease symptom-bearing samples were collected from dry savannah (Eastern and Northern) and wet equatorial/tall grass savannah (Central and Western) agro-climati c zones of Uganda. Their total DNA was extracted using a modifi ed Dellaporta protocol. Virus DNA was amplifi ed with fi ve diff erent primer pairs for Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV-Sic) and Tomato leaf curl Uganda virus (TLCUV) as well as their combinati ons. The results indicated that there is wide variati on in the tomato leaf curl viruses in the Country. The viruses were grouped into 24 categories and three (3) disti nct virus genomes, namely, Tomato leaf curl Uganda virus-Soroti , Tomato leaf curl Uganda virus- Iganga (Pallisa) and Tomato leaf curl Arusha virus-Mubende, were characterized. Parti al results indicated occurrence of viruses related to TYLCV and TYLCSV-Sic in wet agro-climati c zones. Genomic variati on was detected within isolates and recombinati on was suspected.



Tomato, Begomoviruses, Genome, Co-evolution, Recombination
