The Impact of Universal Primary Education on Rural Development in Uganda.

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Kyomugisha, Agatha

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Uganda Martyrs University


KYOMUGISHA AGATHA (2006-MO93-10044) The Impact of Universal Primary Education on Rural Development in Uganda This study examines the impact of Universal Primary Education on rural development in Uganda by looking at the evolution of Uganda’s universal primary educational set up as a basis for appropriate analysis. The main objectives of the study are to explore and assess the impact of the evolution, role and challenges of universal primary education on rural development. The study analyses the variables which determine the impact of Universal Primary Education on rural development and proposes the required improvements in the prevailing gaps in Uganda. The study was carried out by collecting data and information through desk research by reading, compiling and analysing the collected information from various writers. The main sources of information included books, pamphlets, manuals, journals, reports of commissions, newspapers, website information and other useful sources on universal primary education and development. The information obtained from the secondary sources was compiled, analysed and presented to identify how Universal Primary Education impacts on rural development. A number of findings from the study indicate that the education set up in Uganda has not caused the desired form of rural development due to its inappropriate evolution and design. This problem stems from the colonial set up of the education system in Uganda that did not transmit the correct values and skills needed for the rural society. The research findings propose a major reform in Uganda’s universal primary education system to design and run programmes that are in close harmony with other programmes for rural development such as health, food security, agricultural production and community development. The education system should be designed in such a way that it promotes skills relevant to those programmes designed for rural areas. The best universal primary education for Uganda should have a curriculum that is vocational and practical in nature to produce primary graduates that have skills which are designed for rural production other than mere academicians. Key Words: Education, Primary, Rural, UPE, Development, Universal



Education, Primary, Rural, UPE, Development, Universal


Kyomugisha, A. (2006). The Impact of Universal Primary Education on Rural Development in Uganda. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University.