Social Accountability Mechanisms and Corruption in Local Government in Amuria District: A Case Study of Orungo Sub-County.

dc.contributor.authorOpolot, Timothy
dc.description.abstractOPOLOT TIMOTHY (2014-MO92-40010) Social Accountability Mechanisms and Corruption in Local Government in Amuria District: A Case Study of Orungo Sub-County. The study sought to investigate the impact created as a result of implementing social accountability mechanisms in local government in Amuria: a case study of Orungo sub-county. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the contribution created as a result of implementing social accountability mechanisms in curbing corruption in local government; correspondingly identify challenges and solutions faced by the individual/institution in implementing social accountability mechanisms and establish the relationship between social accountability mechanisms and corruption in local government. The research design that was adopted for this study was a case study and was majorly focused on use of both qualitative and quantitative approaches using the following methods; observation, focus group discussions, interviews and surveys. Specifically the following instruments were helpful throughout the study that helped in generating the required data: Observation check list, interview and focus group guides. Descriptive and statistical approaches were used for processing and analysing data and statistical data was presented in graphs and charts using excel. The findings from the study reveal that, there is demonstrated impact realised as a result of implementing social accountability mechanisms. This was demonstrated by citizens increasingly getting involved in the affairs of their governance specifically as regards the monitoring of service delivery. However, participation in monitoring was reported to be only limited to few people especially the community monitors who have knowledge about social accountability mechanisms and consultation for the citizens by the duty bearers was revealed by the study to be limited. The study recommends the need to raise the awareness of citizens about their rights and obligations and strengthening of opportunities for citizens‟ participation in monitoring service delivery and governments‟ responsiveness to the issues raised by citizens among others. Key Words: Social Accountability Mechanisms, Corruption, Local Government, Amuria District.en_US
dc.identifier.citationOpolot, T. (2014). Social Accountability Mechanisms and Corruption in Local Government in Amuria District: A Case Study of Orungo Sub-County. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University.en_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectSocial Accountability Mechanismsen_US
dc.subjectLocal Governmenten_US
dc.subjectAmuria Districten_US
dc.titleSocial Accountability Mechanisms and Corruption in Local Government in Amuria District: A Case Study of Orungo Sub-County.en_US


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