Assessing the Accessibility to Secondary Education by the Physically Disabled Persons in Kabale Municipality, South Western Uganda

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Byarugaba, Narcisio Bavuli

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Uganda Martyrs University


BYARUGABA NARCISIO BAVULI (2007-MO83-100102) Assessing the Accessibility to Secondary Education by the Physically Disabled Persons in Kabale Municipality, South Western Uganda The study assessed the accessibility to secondary education by the physically disabled persons in Kabale Municipality, South Western Uganda. The objectives of the study included examining the accessibility by the physically disabled persons to Secondary Schools; assessing people‟s attitudes towards the physically disabled persons; finding out the causes of their low enrolment in secondary schools; and devising strategies of enhancing human rights and increasing enrolment of physically disabled persons in schools. The data collection instruments were self-administered questionnaires which were distributed to the respondents at their work place by the researcher during working hours. Interview guides were also used. The interviews were conducted in the local language “Rukiga” and the responses recorded in English for easing communication. Finally, an observation checklist was used. The researcher conducted personal interviews and observation at the time other instruments were being distributed to respondents in their respective work places and homes. The collected data was manually analysed to obtain percentages and frequencies. The findings of the study revealed that peoples‟ attitudes towards the disabled persons were negative. Major causes of low enrolment in secondary schools included ignorance, lack of sensitisation, negative attitudes and not knowing the rights of the physically disabled persons. The strategies of enhancing human rights and increasing enrolment of physically disabled persons in Kabale municipality included: sensitising, counselling and educating the populace, religious leaders, political and civil leaders about the importance of educating disabled persons in an appropriate learning environment. Key Words: Accessibility, Secondary School, Physically Disabled Persons, Kabale Municipality.



Accessibility, Secondary School, Physically Disabled Persons, Kabale Municipality


Byarugaba, Narciso B. (2007). Assessing the Accessibility to Secondary Education by the Physically Disabled Persons in Kabale Municipality, South Western Uganda. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University.