The Effectiveness of Universal Primary Education in Enhancing the Quality of Education in Uganda: A Case Study of Primary Schools in Maliba Sub-County, Kasese District.

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Masereka, Eric

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Uganda Martyrs University


MASEREKA ERIC (2006-M053-10014) The Effectiveness of Universal Primary Education in Enhancing the Quality of Education in Uganda: A Case Study of Primary Schools in Maliba Sub-County, Kasese District The study aimed at finding out the effectiveness of Universal Primary Education (UPE) in enhancing the quality of Education. A sample size of 150 participants was randomly selected. The data were qualitatively collected using questionnaires and interview guides for head teachers, teachers, pupils, parents, School Management Committee (SMC), Parents Teachers Association (PTA), District Education Officer (DEO), Local Council (LC1s), Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs) and mass media. The data were collected and quantitatively presented using descriptive tables and analysed in percentages. The findings indicated that the UPE programme is still inadequate. Most stakeholders are not aware of the UPE guidelines on policy, roles and their responsibilities and some stakeholders are not willing to participate in the UPE policy voluntarily and the quality of learning in UPE schools is still lacking. This negatively affects the quality of education. The study recommended that, for UPE to be adequate, head teachers, teachers, parents, pupils, SMC, PTA, DEO, LCs, and NGOs should participate willingly in its implementation. Head teachers should avail UPE accountabilities and any other information on UPE funds to the relevant stakeholders in order to promote transparency. Besides various challenges, teachers ought to participate more in the management of classes in UPE schools. Lastly government should improve the remuneration of teachers in UPE schools. Key words: Primary, Universal, Education, Quality, Effectiveness



Primary, Universal, Education, Quality, Effectiveness


Masereka, E. (2006). The Effectiveness of Universal Primary Education in Enhancing the Quality of Education in Uganda: A Case Study of Primary Schools in Maliba Sub-County, Kasese District. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University.