Assessing the Coping Mechanisms of Local Government to Inadequate Funding for Efficient and Effective Service Delivery: A Case Study of Kibaale District.

dc.contributor.authorLwanga, Anthony Claret
dc.description.abstractLWANGA ANTHONY CLARET (2010-M083-10026) Assessing the Coping Mechanisms of Local Government to Inadequate Funding for Efficient and Effective Service Delivery: A Case Study of Kibaale District. Uganda adopted the decentralisation strategy way back in 1993 but there have been persistent cries and concerns about inadequate funding to local governments and its impact on efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery. This study was about establishing and documenting the copying mechanisms of local governments with specific focus on Kibaale district in the face of inadequate resources resulting from the abolition of graduated tax. The variables treated in the study included staff morale, revenue sources, and governance in relation to effective service delivery in local government. The researcher used questionnaires which had both closed and open ended questions which were administered to members of the executive, members of the technical and planning committee, Community Development Officers, and members of the finance committee. Focus Group Discussions for selected support staff from the district and lower local governments were conducted and there was critical documentary analysis where records were analysed and scrutinised with the help of research assistants. The findings revealed that there is inadequate remuneration of staff to run the district effectively, limited budget, inadequate accommodation, low pay and incentives, effective planning and budgeting. However, in spite of the aforementioned, there was reported high performance, effective appropriation of funds, transparency and accountability being taken seriously, participatory decision making, effective finance standing committees and political support. The study concludes that better remuneration packages for employees, budget expansion, best practices, provision of accommodation for staff, pay rise, identifying appropriate revenue sources, effective collection of revenue, encouraging participatory decision making, provision of accommodation for staff and good working relations between policy makers and technical staff are key to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in local governments. It is highly recommended that the good practices exhibited by Kibaale local government should be improved into best practices for efficient and effective service delivery in the District. Key Words: Mechanisms, Local Government, Service Delivery, Kibaale District.en_US
dc.identifier.citationLwanga, A. C. (2010). Assessing the Coping Mechanisms of Local Government to Inadequate Funding for Efficient and Effective Service Delivery: A Case Study of Kibaale District. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University.en_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectLocal Governmenten_US
dc.subjectService Deliveryen_US
dc.subjectKibaale Districten_US
dc.titleAssessing the Coping Mechanisms of Local Government to Inadequate Funding for Efficient and Effective Service Delivery: A Case Study of Kibaale District.en_US


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