University Examination Results Management Information System (UERMIS): A Case Study of Bishop Stuart University Mbarara, Western Uganda

dc.contributor.authorAtuhaire, Marion Bangirana
dc.description.abstractATUHAIRE MARION BANGIRANA (2008-03-MSCIS-PT-001) University Examination Results Management Information System (UERMIS): A Case Study of Bishop Stuart University Mbarara, Western Uganda The purpose of this study was to develop a University Examination Results Management Information System (UERMIS) to assist in the management of examination records and ease/or control the access to results in various parts of the country basing on the university demands. Without quick and timely access to examination records, creating market strategies for the university lobbying and sensitisation of students becomes very difficult. The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) was used as the main development methodology and the approach used was Evolutionary Prototyping. The main goal when using Evolutionary Prototyping was to build a very robust prototype in a structured manner and also it allowed the users chance to continue bringing in new requirements for the system design. This helped to increase user satisfaction and build user trust in the system. With the computerised system, several tools and techniques like validation checks, software security, relationships and entry data forms among others will be used. Different data collection methods like questionnaire, records review, interview guide and observation guide were developed for data collection and prototype as development methodology was used. The university examination results management information system offered functionalities to quick access to examination results/records in various parts of the country. It enabled monitoring of the results and performance of students such that relevant and measurable objectives of the organisation can be checked. It provided to management timely, confidential and secure examination results reports that facilitates planning and decision making and hence improved education service delivery. The reports and academic transcripts generated by the system give answers to most of the challenges management faces as far as examination records are concerned. Key Words: University Examination Results, Information System, Bishop Stuart University, Mbararaen_US
dc.identifier.citationAtuhaire, Marion B. (2008). University Examination Results Management Information System (UERMIS): A Case Study of Bishop Stuart University Mbarara, Western Uganda. Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University.en_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectUniversity Examination Resultsen_US
dc.subjectInformation Systemen_US
dc.subjectBishop Stuart Universityen_US
dc.titleUniversity Examination Results Management Information System (UERMIS): A Case Study of Bishop Stuart University Mbarara, Western Ugandaen_US


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