Examining the Role of Jesuit Refugee Services in the Post-Conflict Education Programme in Nimule Payam, South Sudan.

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Mogga, Alex Simon

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Uganda Martyrs University


MOGGA ALEX SIMON (2011-M091-10007) Examining the Role of Jesuit Refugee Services in the Post-Conflict Education Programme in Nimule Payam, South Sudan. This study was based on examining the role of Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS) in the post-conflict education programme in Nimule Payam, South Sudan. The objectives of the study were: (1) to identify the major achievements realised by JRS during the post-conflict education programme in Nimule Payam, South Sudan, (2) to identify factors hindering the implementation of educational activities of the JRS in post-conflict Nimule Payam, South Sudan and (3) to suggest appropriate strategies that would help JRS to overcome the challenges faced by the post-conflict education programme. Data collection for the study involved the use of both primary and secondary methods with research instruments that included: questionnaires, an interview guide, focus group discussion checklist and documentary analysis were used. Data collected were mainly analysed qualitatively according to the research objectives and presented in themes while quantitative data collected from the field were statistically represented using tables, frequency distributions and percentages. The study findings revealed that: factors such as funding, coordination, management and community participation and involvement were hindering implementation of the JRS post-conflict education programme in Nimule Payam. Ignoring factors hindering the implementation of educational activities negatively affects the development processes. On the other hand, accepting and embracing the factors enables the South Sudan Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and JRS to practice good implementation of post-conflict education programme. The study concludes that: JRS succeeded in implementing the post-conflict education programme in Nimule Payam, South Sudan through human capital development and community empowerment. Therefore, community leaders ought to make serious steps in order to sustain the post-conflict education programme in the area for the development of the people. Furthermore, in planning, decision making and implementation of the post-conflict education programme in Nimule Payam, all the stakeholders should be involved in identifying the challenges of education that would affect successful implementation of the JRS post-conflict education programme focussed at improving the livelihood of people. The study recommends that: The challenges of the post-conflict education programme should be accepted and addressed by the JRS education team and ministry of education officials (at Nimule Payam level) in order to bring about growth and development in Nimule Payam. Furthermore, institutional policies and propaganda compromise workable policies and procedures which, thereafter, affect successful implementation process of the post-conflict education programme. Hence, such practices and tendencies should be strongly discouraged to safeguard the post-conflict education programme of improving the livelihood of the people. Key Words: Jesuit Refugee Services, Post-Conflict Education Programme, South Sudan.



Jesuit Refugee Services, Post-Conflict Education Programme, South Sudan


Mogga, A. S. (2011). Examining the Role of Jesuit Refugee Services in the Post-Conflict Education Programme in Nimule Payam, South Sudan.Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University.