Book Chapters (Business and Management)

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    Tech-Based Enterprise Control and Audit for Financial Crimes: The Case of State-Owned Global Financial Predators (SOGFP)
    (IGI Global, 2021-03) Trad, Antoine; Marie Goretti Nakitende, Goretti Marie; Oke, Tayo
    Due to the global financial and societal crisis, a societal or business transformation project is important. A well-designed financial services automation process is the need of the hour. This automation process depends on measurable critical success factors (CSF) which characterize the progress and evaluation of societal or organizational transformation processes. This chapter discussed in detail the concept of an applied tech-based enterprise control and audit for financial crimes (ECAFC) framework, which is significant for the detection of financial crimes. In the context of financial crimes analysis (FCA), a strategic vision is required for the integration of financial engineering related to risk and controls. This analysis is fundamental for the enterprise’s long-term business longevity and to avoid/combat state organized global financial predators (SOGFP). Moreover, the chapter also highlighted that the detection mechanisms are essential for the enterprise, in order to integrate the local and global economies in a sustainable, controlled, and iterative manner.
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    Legislation for Public Procurements and Disposal of Public Assets: The Case of Uganda
    (IGI Global, 2021-03-01) Wanyama, Simeon
    This chapter is about corrupt practices in the public procurement cycle. Taking the example of Uganda, it identifies what takes place at each of the stages of public procurement and examines the perspectives of stakeholders regarding alleged corruption, misappropriation, and fraudulent practices during the public procurement process. It also reviews the governance systems that have been put in place to try and stem out these malpractices and ensure proper governance in the administration of public procurement. The research followed a qualitative approach aimed at getting the views of stakeholders and understanding whether what is in place is adhering to the principles of public procurement which foster good governance and value for money. The findings of the study indicate that the perception of the majority of the respondents is that corruption is pervasive in public procurement in Uganda despite good laws, regulations, and guidelines that have been put in place and that it manifests itself at all the stages of public procurement.
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    Frauds in Business Organizations: A Comprehensive Overview
    (IGI Global, 2021-03-01) Nakitende, Marie Goretti; Rafay, Abdul; Waseem, Maimoona
    Fraud has been evolving and increasing with the change in the work environment, organizational structures, industrialization, and legislation. Money, greed, manipulation, job pressures, family needs, opportunity, politics, rationalization are the crucial reasons that lead people to behave fraudulently. The purpose of the chapter is to discuss a brief overview of theories of fraud. It presents causes that inspire individuals to commit fraud, methods for identifying fraud, and motives that encourage people to commit fraud. Management must try to eliminate the vulnerabilities that offer criminals the chance to commit fraud. Organizational leaders must be diligent, implement a robust anti-fraud strategy, and discourage all improper practices. Employee performance can also be strengthened through realistic anti-fraud preparation, and conformity with legal and regulatory obligations. Thus, fostering an ethical corporate culture is essential for fraud prevention.
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    New Public Management Reforms and Efficiency in Urban Water Service Delivery in Developing Countries: Blessing or Fad?
    (Sage, 2012) Mukokoma, Maurice
    Abstract Managing publicly owned entities using private sector principles, commonly known as New Public Management (NPM), is a widespread reform in Developing Countries. The theoretical and empirical debate on the effect of NPM on the performance of Public entities is still ongoing, yet limited research has been conducted in the water sector in developing countries. Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Tobit regression on 300 observations, the influence of adopting NPM reform dimensions of segregation of functions, managerial autonomy, accountability for results, customer orientation, and market orientation on technical efficiency of urban public water utilities has been addressed. The results indicate a high likelihood of the NPM reform causing a change in the technical efficiency of the Decision-Making Units (DMUs) in National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) in Uganda though it was not the case for the DMUs of Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation (DAWASCO) in Tanzania.
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    Organisational performance measurement models, also for poverty alleviation
    (2016) Nalwoga, Mary Maurice
    In this contribution, organisational performance measurement models are reviewed to determine to what extent they can also be used as an instrument for poverty alleviation. In this paper, we explore the organisational performance models. We start with a review of general performance measurement in private and public sectors and then we focus on performance measures in the water sector. It is concluded that the performance measurement models reviewed can be applied in the water and sanitation sector as well, but it is a challenge to make them pro-poor